
Should Charlie Gordons Doctors Act Ethically

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Gordans doctors Nemour and Straus performed a controversial procedure on him to try and improve his IQ since it was a 68. Charlie also wanted to be smart more than anything in the world. The surgery was unethical, this is because ethics are moral values or beliefs of what is right. Charlies doctors acted unethically because at the end Charlie suffered and only their careers benefited. Charlie Gordan's doctors did not act Ethically when they performed the surgery to make him smarter.
All doctors sign a Hippocratic Oath when they become doctors saying they will act ethically and in the patents best interest. For example in Lasagna Louis's article that states the Hippocratic Oath, item number 9 it says " I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm." This means Charlies doctors had a obligation to keep Charlies best interests in mind, when they performed the surgery. A time in "Flowers For Algernon" when the doctors failed to keep Charlie in mind was in …show more content…

This could be because in "Ethics in Medicine" by A.R. Jonsen one of the category's is to show respect for the patent. "Is the patient unwilling or unable to cooperate with medical treatment? If so, why?" Is one of the questions in the are you showing respect to the patent category, of the article by A.R. Jonsen. Charlie Gordans doctors in "Flowers For Algernon" were at first not going to use Charlie, but as stated in the March 4th-8th progress report they decided to use him because of his motivation. This could show that Charlie wanted to be smart so having the surgery honored his wishes, and therefore the doctors respected him. Although Charlies wishes were to be smart forever, not to be smart and then dumb. So the doctors still failed to be respectful and ethical towards

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