
Should Corporal Punishment Be Allowed To Spank Children

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American society has debated this issue of corporal punishment since the 1950s since the nuclear family was marketed to the American public. Historically children and reproduction of the human species was for survival a husband and his wife would have a child to work on their land or in a factory to bring additional income. The thought of loving their child was not shown like present day. Depending on the families social position they might be able to provide their children with more if they were higher up in their social position if a family was lower in their social position they had kids for survival. How does current society feel about corporal punishment of their children should we spank them or should we not spank them what is the context of the spanking? When a child misbehaves out of their …show more content…

The study did not tell how severe the punishment was it was simply reporting whether the child was spanked via hand or other object. The researchers did find that there were trends towards corporal punishment not being used later on. Parenting styles also are factors on how a child will be disciplined they found that when a child is harshly disciplined the child’s social skills are drastically diminished because they do not feel accepted by their parents. (Graham)They also saw that cultural beliefs were very tightly linked to the child’s punishment they found that Hispanic parents tend to have an authoritarian parenting style so they were more likely to abuse their children but when they studied African American families they found that the punishment affected the children more emotionally than physically.

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