
Should Graffiti Be Considered An Art?

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There appears to be many problems that are agued back and forth between different people. Controversy issues are debated on a number of occasions but one that can always be argued is the question of can graffiti be considered an art. The definition of art is “something that is created with imagination and skill” (Webster dictionary). When people argue graffiti is just a crime done they do not look at the definition of art and how graffiti falls under the definition. Graffiti should not be considered a crime but a form of art.
Graffiti can be found in various parts of the world and on anything that can be painted. It is considered to be an “illegal ‘eyesore’” but has been starting to be considered an art form (Sanchez). This art form can be found anywhere including building, trucks, and bridges. Graffiti can be done by anyone with can of spray paint and could be done for any reason. The main reason one involves themselves in graffiti is the “adrenaline” that comes with it and also it can be a way to “connect with culture that broke down social, economic, and political barriers” (Nick A.J). graffiti can be done as a rebellious act but most of the time is just done for complete fun. Graffiti is just a form of art for people to express themselves and put the art on public display for all to see when walking down a street or driving on the road.
This art form has various forms with different names including tagging, throw up, wildstyle and many more. Tagging is the “simpliest”

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