
Should Juvenile Offenders Be Prosecuted?

Decent Essays

You may hear that we should expunge some criminals’ records because they have completed their sentence, probation, or court ordered counseling. Maybe, now they are rehabilitated, not a drug addict, not violent, not a sexual predator, or maybe, they are that rare innocent person that was wrongly accused. Should we be compassionate that a criminal feels like he or she are being mistreated or is labeled as a dangerous person because they have a criminal record? Remember, they made the choices that put them where they are. Am I supposed to lose sleep because they cannot find a job? Or when they find a job they are told we do not hire ex-convicts here. Sorry, you served time in a jail, but we do not have any housing to offer you. How about the victim of the crime you committed that lost their house, their job, because they can’t function as they used to, due to fears or flash back on the assault you done onto them. My question is who is looking out for the victims that these predators attacked. Remember who the real victim is, the person that had their life changed because of some criminal minded person. Get this, a teenager with his white friends at a beach in 1986 decided to harass a group of kids, fourth-graders, on a field trip, they were mostly black. He and his white friends threw rocks and shouted racial slurs as they ran the kids off. Kristyn Atwood was one of those fourth-graders, and can still remember her heart pounding in her chest as she ran for her life. Not only

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