
Should People Be Allowed To Vote Research Paper

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We just closed out another big voting season. Voting for state questions, elected officials, and president were all on this years voting ballot. Many people had reasons, or excuses depending on how you look at it, for not voting. Voting is very important.
I’m sure you have heard that voting is a privilege and not a right. You may have shrugged the person off that told you this. In all actuality that is true. Not everyone is allowed to vote. Just because you call the United States home doesn’t mean you can vote. You must be registered, of age, a citizen by birth or naturalization, and whatever state requirements you must meet. I understand that part of your privilege is to decline the opportunity to vote. Even if you meet the requirements, unlike …show more content…

American citizens have the authority to participate in their election processes. That authority in a way is a calling for the American people to go to the polls and vote. By each individual person responding to his or her calling, our great democracy can work as it was designed to. American’s pride themselves on freedom. Part of that freedom is being able to pick officials to govern our great nation. If you find your self-being one of the people that says, “Neither candidate supports my views so I just won’t vote,” or “Well, neither of the candidates are that great so I just wont even bother.” I can see where a person might be disappointed in the options they are presented with, but by your choice to not take action you are choosing to have to say and make no difference at all. Each individual has to consciously make the choice to back one person or another. Now, this does not mean you are bound to agree with each and every little thing about that person, but it does mean the are representing your views and ideas on some issues. By you choosing to pick the “lesser of the two evils” you are choosing to pick the person you would at least slightly rather see in office opposed to the other

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