
Should Physician Assisted Suicide Be Legalized Essay

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"Physician assisted-suicide," "Euthanasia"-call it what you may. This is one of the most emotionally debated subjects effecting our lives today. Generally people in the community are either all for the legalization of physician assisted-suicide or totally against it. There are no laws in the United States making it is illegal to take one's own life. In fact, people all around the world take their own lives on a daily basis either purposely or accidentally. Are you for it or against it? Let me give you an example of why I am wholeheartedly all for physician assisted suicide. My 30 year old brother had been diagnosed with stage four pancreatitis. The doctors stated there is no cure, but could try chemo and radiation therapy to extend his life. My brother was a hard-working, compassionate and free-spirited man. Tom would give the shirt off his back and would pull over to the side of the road to help a complete stranger if they needed it. My brother was very stubborn, so it was no surprise that he opted …show more content…

Under specified conditions when a terminally ill patient is suffering unbearable pain and requests to be relieved of that pain it would be cruel and inhumane to extend their life against their will. The patient should not be denied the peace and comfort that comes with the relief of pain. If both patient and doctor feel that it would be a better course then it should be the patient’s right. We are expected as humans to not cause harm to another human being. Would forcing a person to suffer needlessly and against their will violate that expectation? I think so. I do agree that some medical treatments are obviously heroic measures and in my opinion terminally ill patients receiving such treatments are unnecessary, foolish and

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