
Should Police Officers Take More Time To Be In The Community?

Decent Essays

When driving down the road, if someone were to see Blue lights flashing behind them, why is it that their heart will stop beating for a second? Paralysed in fear of what the consequences are for whatever they may have done. There was a time when Police officers were less terrifying, and actually stood to protect and serve their community. Back when communities were tight knit and everybody knew everybody, cops were seen as a working part of the community and were respected and were comfortable to be around. Something between then and now, has entirely skewed the public's perception of Police. Even though some officers are considered 'bad cops' and the community wants to keep them out, police officers should take more time to be in the community …show more content…

If the first officer was introduced into the community more and had known the young man, he might have felt more comfortable talking to him and would have told him everything when he originally asked. The officer might have even let him go with a warning about his licence, just to make sure he got home okay.There are many reasons that civilian and police interactions are beneficial to the community. If we need protection we as a community need to be able to call the police and feel comforted knowing that officers will respond and help instead of hurting, Someone might argue that when police officers respond to a call for help they often create a negative environment, sometimes breaking things, reacting violently or over reacting, in the case of the young boy, unlawfully searching and seizing his vehicle and placing him unnecessarily under arrest. Occasionally the police force has a few cops that are not the greatest characters and they create a bad name for the rest of the force, but not all officers are bad, like the officers that responded in an attempt to help the kid …show more content…

If part of being on duty were the officer had to do community service people would be able to get to know the individual officer, the more comfortable the less fear. The community service would not be demeaning either, they could read to kids, or facilitate community projects like gardens, or beautifying the town. The little things are what mean the most to the people. Police magazine broke down the various ways an officer can be more community friendly stating; “The key to getting the community to help you revolves around your getting involved with the community; you have to be part of it. There are many ways to get involved and help foster a better working relationship.” The article gives examples of saying hello while on patrol, guest speaking at schools, and volunteering. “You can't meet with everyone personally, but a simple positive interaction spreads as people talk to their friends, family and work

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