
Should Police Use Deadly Force

Decent Essays

Is it true that police use their authority to push their weight Around? Police should not be allowed to use deadly force. Cops don't think before they shoot. Police officers abuse their power. Cops make a bad situation worse when they use deadly force.
Police officers don't think before they shoot. “In Charlotte N.C, a black man is pulled over and he gets out his car, but shows his hands and starts walking backward and the officers surround him and four shots are fired.” ( On Feb,26,2012 Trayvon martin was shot and killed by George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida, Trayvon Martin was walking back from a convenience store where he bought skittles and candy and an ice tea. ( “In Michigan, a homeless man was caught stealing from a local store and the store called the police and the homeless had a knife and the officer called for backup and then the homeless man moved toward the k-9 dog and he got shot 47 times.” ( …show more content…

“Dejuan was sitting on his mother's porch waiting on her. Neighbors reported a possible break-in and called the police. He calls someone and urges that person to come over because police are harassing him. Officer Cole then grabs Yourse's phone, wrestles him to the floor of the porch, punches him and, with Jackson's help, places handcuffs on him. Yourse says, I'm not resisting! I'm not resisting!” ( “ At Spring Valley High School a girl was in class on her phone and the teacher told her to give him her phone and she said no then the teacher told her to get out and she said no. Then the teacher called the resource officer and the officer told her to leave and then the police officer appeared to body slam a female student and drag her across a classroom.” ( In Tulsa, a 40-year-old black man who was fatally shot by a Tulsa police officer had his hands

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