80% of students who want to attend college or university cannot on their own funds (CNBC, 2013). Students have to rely on government or private loans and other resources to get them started in college. Students who live in the community of state colleges may want to attend but do not know how they would get there. Do not be like others, make a change. Students should be given the opportunity to live their dreams doing what they aspire whether affordable or exorbitant.
What is the best way for a student to attend college. Is it lost cost, student loans or maybe thoroughly paying for college yourself? If you had a chance to pay for college another way, which way would you choose? The best way for many students would be free. Not every student has the funds to obtain a college education, let alone be successful enough to stay in college. Students will also have better opportunities to finish their college education without having to hassle with the burden of debt.
Although some students do not have the funds to retain a higher education, accomplishing this will be facile. Students suffer trying to get their education when payment becomes their priority. Therefore, students should attend state colleges for free. This is necessary because students do not need to struggle trying to decipher how they’re going to pay for college. In addition, If students do not retain a college education, they will be forced to work in a high school´s diploma´s career. Furthermore, If students go
In our lives today, not everyone can financially afford to attend a four year university or college, but yet people still attend because they have academic goals. Currently there is help with grants, merit scholarships and loans available for some. However many students do not realize they will eventually be left to pay the majority of the money back. Students who want an education should get it, a country such as the United States should provide students with financial aid.
In the article titled “Should Community College be Free?” written by Joanne Jacobs, the author talks up the argument about whether Community College should be free and presents both sides being that Community College should in fact be free for the many students who cannot afford it which will increase, “the number of people with degrees”, according to past President Barack Obama. The other side argues that making Community College free will only help those whose parents make too much to afford Grants stating that those who can afford it will be taking advantage of the free cost and making the schools overcrowded.
There are resources available that allow students to make college more affordable. However, there are hindrances to these resources as well. For example, students can apply for a scholarship if they meet the requirements, but just because they apply it does not mean they are going to receive the
College is a big obstacle for students because not everyone has enough financial support going through college. In his article, “Is College Tuition Really That High?” Adam Davidson discusses that the average student does not receive enough financial aid. Education is one of the most efficient ways to becoming successful and learning more about the world they live in. These days, students entering college do not receive enough financial aid to pay off tuition due to the increases in tuition and reduction in financial aid.
Common Ground: Getting into college is a dream of almost every high school graduate, but many young adults have financial problems and cannot enroll into colleges or universities.
Monetary investment for college is a huge contributing factor into the argument of why many individuals should not go to college. They simply cannot afford it. Their parents cannot help them pay for college, they didn’t receive financial aid, or they cannot support the financial burden themselves. Financial aid is very helpful when I comes to diminishing the cost of college. However, this doesn’t help all the time. I have a friend who
One of the main problem that college students face when entering college is how much they have to pay in order to stay, this problem would be solved by applying for financial aid, getting scholarships offered by the school or other organizations, and also to work while attending school. Every student struggles with this problem and it is most likely the top problem that determines if a student wants to or can go to college. Problems such as this one diminishes kids from going to college because they just do not have enough funds to get an education.
Instead, citizens should be paid to go to college because they are going there to better themselves as citizens of the United States. Making new experiences for each individual is important. No one will enjoy the experience if they have crushing debts to worry about. Education should be out there to inspire peoples mind and not just filling their head with others perspective. Every individual has the right to learn and be educated, and have the opportunity to view this world in a different perspective and do something on their own. But the cost of education is so unaffordable to some mankinds that it is just ferocious for them to even consider paying those education bills off” (“Should Higher Free Education Should Be Offered to All for Free?” 4). If students were not stressed out over the cost, they could then focus they’re stress on leaning and getting educated. A student should only have to worry about exceling him or herself to their best ability without worrying about the price they have to pay to get their education.
Summary - This article by CNN Money discusses 7 different ways to pay for college. College is getting increasingly more expensive and the good thing is most students receive financial aid, but still, there are many students graduating with large amounts of debt. Henceforth, there are ulterior options to make paying for college easier. A few examples, grants, work-study jobs, private scholarships, and claiming tax credits. Some decide to live off campus or to enroll into a community college to help decrease the cost of school. Each method is unique to a student’s circumstances, whether or not they’ll live on campuses not, take a leap year, and or the economic environment they live in. These different factors affect your eligibility for some of these methods such as grants and financial aid. Even without a scholarship, plenty of other methods of paying for college are available.
Some graduates don’t want to go to college because they already make enough money at their current job or they’re not sure what they want to do with their lives just yet. However, there are several graduates who want to go to college but simply can’t afford it.
Ms. Jones’ students of 6th period, do you really want to live in a country where in order to seek higher education to eventually obtain a job, you must pay thousands of dollars to do so? I certainly do not. As prospective students—people who will attend college in the future— we all dream about free university and many might consider if college is even worth it.Coming from someone who is just like every single student in this class; I am sure you all will agree that public college should be virtually free.
Free college is a commonly accepted idea, as a crucial part of society's advancement. Education is the foundation for building a strong country, as knowledge is what allows for productivity in all areas of life. However, the cost and accessibility to standard higher education limits many people's availability to a quality schooling. Some may argue that public colleges should continue to charge tuition, as the federal government can not afford the cost nor will creating higher taxes to enable the program solve the crisis. However, ultimately, higher education should be free as it would stimulate economic growth, remove the primary deterrent for not attending college and decrease dependence on government aid.
College is a rite of passage not everyone has the luxury of experiencing. College furthers one's education and prepares the student for the career of their choice. Unfortunately, some do not follow through with college due to the cost of it. Unbeknown to some people, there are four types of financial aid available to encourage students to follow through with college.
There are many issues for students entering college, but one of the main issues is whether some can afford the costly tuition that comes with higher education. I fully intend on entering college but I understand the hardships of being stuck financially. Whether it be $50 or $5,000, any amount of money will be able to help me towards my goal for the future. I believe wholeheartedly in entering college and with many scholarships under my belt, I will be able to focus more on my education instead of worrying about the heavy debt in the future. Even though I am worrying 4-5 years earlier, I wish to graduate from college debt free. I wish to travel and pay back my parents for all the hardships they had to face raising me. My goal is to be able to
Over the years, college fees have gradually risen for high school graduates. It’s been said that most jobs with a college degree earn almost double of what a high school graduate would earn. Many people all over the country have been unable to go to college because of these high fees for education. Some people think that your future shouldn’t be controlled by the amount of money you pay. If these fees continue to increase, then no one will be able to attend college. Higher education for free will increase productivity within students because they can get a good job, college is now a prerequisite, and college worthy jobs have great salaries.