
Should Students Be Assigned Too Much Homework Research

Decent Essays

Hi, I’m Reed and I am in the 8th grade at Lanier Middle School. Imagine if you could walk home after a long day of school, and be able to do other things around the house besides a bunch of work that doesn’t help you, and sometimes the teacher hasn’t even taught you it . All your time after school can be dedicated to studying. There is a great debate going on right now over the homework issues. There are two sides to the debate. Most believe that the students are being assigned too much homework that is only busy work anyways. Some believe that the students aren’t being assigned enough homework. Both are fair arguments. Most of the homework assigned is only practice to what you learned in school. Every now and then you have a big assignment but most …show more content…

. That is why a lot of parents believe that homework is useless and too long. Some parents believe that the homework should require more from the kid. Instead of being busy work, the parents want the work to be harder. I believe that there is too much homework. When I come home tired from sports and it has already been a busy day, the last thing I want to do is a bunch of busy work.It is way too much to do. It is usually 25-50 questions long. By the time you get home , shower, and eat it is already 10:00. Then you have to do a bunch of busy work from at least 2 classes. Sometimes you are up past midnight to finish your work. Then on top of all that, you have to study. It is just way too overwhelming. That is why I believe that schools should assign less homework to their students. What I want so see changed is the number of questions assigned. I think there should be about 5 questions that actually test if you know it instead of 50 that are just a waste of time. I think students will be more energetic at school the next day because they wouldn’t have to stay up late doing homework. I also think students grades would rise. They would have more time to study

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