
How Homework Has Changed Over Time Essay

Decent Essays

Homework has changed drastically over the past several decades. One of the biggest changes is how much is assigned. Whether this is a good idea, or a terrible idea, has always been the subject of a lot of controversy.
Homework in the Early United States
Prior to the turn of the century, homework was really not a part of the average child's experience. This is largely because school itself was not necessarily a part of the average child's life, and once most children were done with their school day, they were expected to go home and do chores or help run the family farm.
It wasn't until after the Civil War that going to school became mandatory in many states. Even then it was viewed mainly as a way to learn to read and do basic arithmetic. Most …show more content…

It was thought that it was good exercise for the brain. The rise in Progressive education changed the type of work that was given, however. Homework became more creative and went beyond mere memorization of facts.
Then, in 1957, Sputnik was launched. Shocked and dismayed by the Russian's ability to produce scientists that could launch a satellite before the United States, experts cried out for tighter educational practices, and the proponents of homework leaped on the chance to increase it.
The Publication of A Nation At Risk
The free-wheeling 1960s saw a brief lull in the intensity of homework. Then, when A Nation at Risk was published in 1983, everything changed again. The publication cried out against mediocrity in American educations. Three years later, the U.S. Department of Education responded by stating that homework was an essential part of a good education in their publication What Works.
Homework Today
The No Child Left Behind act, and greater pressures placed on schools to improve test scores, has caused homework to become a given in most schools. Even kindergartners began to be regularly given work to take home, and the idea of having no homework made many parents

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