
Should The Death Penalty Be Abolished Across The Nation?

Better Essays

Should the death penalty be abolished across the nation? Throughout the history of the United States, in a court of law the death penalty would be designated to a criminal whose crime was deemed worthy of a grueling penalty that is based on a verdict which may not be completely accurate in every circumstance. Although many feel as if it is the necessary form of punishment that must be given at times, the death penalty is a punishment that should not be made legal throughout the entire United States because of the fact that it is based on a verdict that may not be one hundred percent accurate. Additionally, this negates the chance of the victim’s innocence to be reinstated furthermore in time and decreases their chance to be given the …show more content…

As far as who the death penalty affects, nationally, a ravishing 70% of murder victims in cases which resulted in an execution have been caucasian, even though nationally only about 50% of murder victims generally are caucasian. According to a recent study, “jurors in the U.S are three times more likely to recommend a death sentence for a white defendant than for a black defendant in a similar case”(dpic). The study examined a number of cases in which defendants were convicted of aggravated homicide. The cases were reviewed in detail for factors that might influence sentencing, including the number of victims, the defendant’s prior criminal record, and the number of aggravating factors alleged by the prosecutor. Significant statistical research exists regarding race and the death penalty, and race is an issue that continues to be at the forefront of America’s capital punishment debate. Studies have indicated that race plays a decisive role in the question of who lives and dies by execution in this country. According to some studies, race can influence which cases are chosen for capital prosecution and which prosecutors are allowed to make those decisions.
Broadly, the death penalty is available under federal law v, although in numerous states it is not available neither imposed, yet more difficult to obtain when sought. The vast majority of homicide prosecutions are mostly handled by state

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