
Should The Drinking Age Be Lowered To 18?

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Just because the drinking age in America is 21, doesn’t mean teenagers under 21 aren’t drinking. Even though it is illegal for teens to purchase alcohol, they are easily able to get their hands on it through other ways such as going through their parent’s liquor, older peers who can buy it for them, or buying from careless store owners. Should the legal drinking age in America be lowered to 18? No matter what, teens will always find a way to get it, so why doesn’t the government lower the drinking age? Lowering the drinking age would give 18 year olds the right to make their own decisions about consuming alcohol since the age of adulthood in the United States is 18, and by that it would decrease the excitement of breaking the law to get drinks, and decrease unsafe drinking activity. When …show more content…

As the usage of public transportation apps for a safe night out has increased, there are still remaining people who do not take advantage of these alternative transportation options. Even though those apps provide a service to assure a safe night out so no one has to drink and drive, most choose not to use those services because they do not want to spend the extra money that it costs. With those popular transportation services available, most bars will take advantage of that factor and sell more alcohol to clearly intoxicated customers to make more revenue. Those extremely intoxicated customers who drove themselves could end up getting a DWI or even killed on the drive home from the bar. Not only would those alcohol consumers be at risk, people living in neighborhoods located closer to areas that contain a lot of nightclubs, bars, and other alcohol-selling locations would be at risk for more drunken occurrences and other violent

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