
Should The Right To Vote Need A Bachelor's Degree

Decent Essays

Should the right to vote need a bachelor's degree this is an ongoing topic both sides has its positives and negatives. The topic that I will be discussing will be that we should require a bachelor degree to vote. The issue with this is that many would not agree with this and I can understand their reasoning. Many can argue that they are not able to attend a university because they do not have money to go. As stated, “Tuition at a private university is now roughly three times as expensive as it was in 1974, costing an average of $31,000 a year; public tuition, at $9,000, has risen by nearly four times" (Davidson). This proves that tuition has increased dramatically over time, and this is not accounting dormitories boardrooms and textboxes. Another reason is that the voting age is 18 because at that age your are qualified to be drafted to go to war if needed. In the 1970’s they had an argument in congress because of the Vietnamese war. At the age 21, you were able to vote, but you could fight for your country at 18 it seemed unfair not be …show more content…

Making the right to vote to require a bachelor would allow people to strive for their education. Once you have a university degree your world would also open up it can get you a better job, and be able to vote that is a reason why it should require a bachelor's. Needing a degree to vote would benefit the country because more people would strive to get a better education to help the U.S. and be able to vote. Having more educated citizens would help the country lowering unemployment and giving everyone the need to be better. Having more people attend a university would make a big impact people would have a better education. These are some of the benefits of making the requirement to vote to be a bachelor's degree. Citizens would be better educated and be able to make the better

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