
Should The Soviets Try To Imitate The West In Lifestyle

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The Soviets try to imitate the West in lifestyle by portraying a life of abundance. They do this by giving an impression that all Soviets are happy and have all they need. In a poster it can be seen that a man is standing with his arms filled with different products to be able to support his family and in the background we see an ad for the automotive industry (378). This happen again in an ad for Soviet champagne when the Soviets are trying to imitate the products of the West. A women is advertising the Soviet champagne, she is dressed nicely and portraying a well off lifestyle of Soviets that all are entitled to be able to drink champagne (379). The Soviets also wanted to give the impression that they are comparable to the capitalist countries of the …show more content…

The Soviets wanted to give an impression to the West that they also had the same availability of technology to its citizens. They do this by putting on exhibit “an image of abundance with an apartment that few Russians enjoy, with clothes and furs that are rarely seen on Moscow streets, and with endless variations of televisions, radios, and recording equipment…that were not easily obtained” (383). Finally, in the exhibition of the Soviet scientific advancements, they have a very large display to show off their advancements in the space race with the United States. This shows the successful attempt to imitate the United States in scientific technologies. It is recorded that, “the focal point of the display is an outstanding contribution of Soviet science to the study of outer space” (382). These are the ways that the Soviets imitated the West in technology, goods

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