
Should Undocumented Immigrants Affect The Level Of Educational Achievement?

Decent Essays

The research question for the research conducted is, does being undocumented immigrant in the United States affect the level of educational achievement? It is hypothesized that undocumented immigrants in the United States have low educational achievement. It is also hypothesized that immigrants that have low educational achievement will then have low income compared to those that have completed a higher level of education.
The variables used throughout this section along with their codes is as follows:
1. Sex- Sex
2. School Years Completed- EDYRS
3. Household Head Income or wages- HHINCOME
4. Wage for Last Formal Job in Mexico- LDOWage
5. Last US Migration Documentation Used -USDOCL

The t-test for this research is U.S Documentation …show more content…

When comparing the level of school years completed with the last documentation received, those who were legally documented (N=8318), and illegal population (N=15591), a significant relation was found t (23907) = 11.78 (0.04). The level of school years completed has a significant relationship with documentation status (see appendix E), therefore we reject the null hypotheses. Then comparing the level of school years completed with the sex, female (N=69360) and male (N=67406), another significant relation was found t (136764) = 6.62 (0.15). The level of school years completed has a relationship with sex (see appendix F). Therefore, we reject the null hypotheses. A one-way between subjects’ ANOVA was conducted to compare the effect of last wage in Mexico on years of education completed in 0 years, 1-6 years and 7-12 years’ conditions. There was a significant effect found between wages in Mexico and education years completed at the p<.05 level for the three conditions [F(2,12298)=16.28, p=0.000]. Post hoc comparisons using the Tukey HSD test indicated that the mean score for the no school years’ condition (M= -107.31, SD= 235.97) was not significantly different than the 1 to 6 years of school years completed condition (M=107.311, SD= 235.97). However, the more than 7 years of school completion condition significantly differed from the no school years completed or less than 6 years (M= 805.52, SD= 241.54). Another one-way between

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