
Should Vaccines Be Mandatory Research Paper

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Childhood Vaccinations Should Be Mandatory In 2011 an unvaccinated 2- year old was taken to Kenya and returned with Measles. Before he was diagnosed with Measles he was taken to a daycare center where he passed the virus on to 3 other children. The virus eventually spread to over 3,000 people in the state of Minnesota. His parents refused to vaccinate him because they were afraid that the vaccine would cause Autism. Many people, especially parents, argue that vaccines are still not safe because of the potential side effects. However, childhood vaccinations should be mandatory because there is no scientific proof of disorders or diseases caused by inoculation and it prevents the contraction of potentially deadly diseases. The first modern …show more content…

This news terrified many parents and they stopped vaccinating their children. Now many people are arguing whether or not the government should be able to force parents to vaccinate their kids. Senator Rand Paul stated, "I'm not arguing vaccines are a bad idea. I think they're a good thing. But I think the parent should have some input. The state doesn't own your children; parents own their children and it is an issue of freedom." However, it is the governments job to protect the majority population from any threat, including disease. During the 2013 Flu season 105 minors died of the flu, and over 90% of them were unvaccinated. Many parents were still frightened by the study conducted by Andrew Wakefield. However the study was discredited in 2010 when Brian Deer, an investigative reporter, discovered that his research was being funded by lawyers trying to sue drug companies that produced the MMR vaccine in a $56 million lawsuit. Wakefield lied about the 12 patients used in his study; it was later revealed that 5 of the children studied already had preexisting mental development problems. Wakefield also claimed that 9 of the children showed symptoms of regressive autism, which affects later in childhood, but in fact only 1 child showed the signs. In May of 2010 the General Medical Council in the UK revoked Wakefield’s medical license stating that he had acted “dishonestly and irresponsibly”. Many other studies have been conducted testing this claim however none have been able to reproduce the same research as

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