
Should Voting Age Be Lowered Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Should the Voting Age be Lowered or Stay the

In this essay I will be giving you my opinion on whether the voting age should stay the same or be lowered. Some people want it to be lowered because they believe there would be a bigger voter turnout. Others want it to stay the same because they believe there would be less of a voter turnout.
I will be giving you the pros and cons of each opinion. So that maybe you can decide for yourself which would be a better outcome. Lets start with why people believe the voting age should be lowered. Some say there should be balance between the ederly and other groups. By 2050 scientists say 27% of voters will be over the age of 65. The influence of the elderly will be magnified. The percentage of elderly voters has alreadly grown 17%. Another reason is voter turnout. America is ranked …show more content…

Keeping the age won't really change much but people believe at the age of 18 you are mature enough to make these decisions and they have come up with other ways to bring up the number of voters. A suggestion was letting people vote from home. Only 38% of voters from age 18-24 voted in 2012. These people believe younger voters do not have the civic responsibility. This group of people think we should start thinking of ways to expand the way we vote. Giving the fact that its a new day in age of technology. Instead of lowering the age and chancing these younger voters to not be responsible enough we should be more inavative. Now that I have given you each side of the story, here's what i think. I believe we should keep the voting age at 18, why? When I was 16 I did'nt care about politics or who is our president, mayor, etc. I always thought it was the adults decision to make for me because they were older and wiser than me. Now that im 19 I understand the importance of voting and making sure we have good people making good decisions for the United

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