
Sibling Rivalry At My Home

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Parents cannot stop all sibling rivalry, but they can help and talk about fighting each other is not the right thing to do no matter what the situation is. This kind of rivalry hardly describes the situation we call sibling rivalry. It is not ongoing saga of two siblings each trying to be better than the other . They are not not playing fairly by any predetermination rules, and they don 't respect each other. They are angry, jealous, and vengeful, and use underhanded tactics torment each other and get eachother punished by the parents(Izzy Kalman,2013). Sibling rivalry is something that can happen in a moment or it can be a lifetime. Some rivalries are healthy and involve competition that makes both siblings better. Parents like me wonder why siblings fuss, fight and disagree so much. I am doing this report because I can relate to sibling rivalry at my home. Parents with two or more children that are around the same age go through sibling rivalry. It starts after the second is born and when they are close in age. Often sibling rivalry starts even before the second child is born, and continues as in kids grow and compete for everything from toys to attention. As kids reach different stages of development, their evolving needs can significantly affect how they relate to one another (Jennifer Pendley,2012). Sibling rivalry is the jealousy, competition between brother and sister. Sibling rivalry is part of a child’s workout to their place in the family and develops ways to solve

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