
Sickkids Internal Challenges

Decent Essays

Internal Challenges Faced by the Organization
There are many internal challenges that SickKids foundation can come across. Firstly, one key internal challenge that this foundation is facing is GTA is an ethnically diverse market. This creates a demographic challenge for SickKids. SickKids goal is “to develop a multicultural fundraising plan that would more fully engage ethnic communities and expand the SickKids’ donor base.” Secondly, facilitate and promote generation of new ideas. SickKids are open to everyone whom can help generate ideas and help others build on ideas of others. This can be internal challenge because if SickKids is having trouble generating new ideas, the result can be that they ask others to help come up with new ideas. …show more content…

Their goal focuses on engaging “the next generation of philanthropists to fund the highest-priority needs of the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids).” This is for individuals who want to connect with others who feel passionately about the health and well being of children.

Program’s Theory of Change
The program’s theory for change focuses on collaboration of philanthropists with a long-term commitment to improving the health of sick children. Long term goals of the program is supporting other programs such as The Pain Centre which focuses on pain management, using research to improve children’s pain outcomes, education and clinical attention; PACT which helps patients and their families with the resources they require to address potentially life-limiting sickness; CIGITI “uses state-of-the-art imaging equipment to develop minimally-invasive to non-invasive therapies that reduce recovery time and hospital stays.” They are not a one size fits all organization, but instead they focus on personalizing each family’s situation based on their needs and hopes the coming up with solutions to improve the

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