
Sicko - Analysis

Decent Essays

Sicko is a documentary about the American Health Care system as seen through the eyes of the filmmaker Michael Moore. It presents the health care system in America as being fragmented and inefficient by using anecdotes to illustrate the plight of the 46 million Americans without health insurance and also to address the wider concerns about the kind of care that the insured get. The film also compares the non-universal and for-profit U.S. system with publicly funded health systems of Canada, the United Kingdom, France and Cuba. The documentary begins with the narrative in which Moore states that sometime before filming the movie, he invited citizens to send in their health-care horror stories and within a week, his website was inundated …show more content…

Thus as a means to educate the viewer, Moore could have highlighted the positives of socialized medicine (health care for all, subsidized drugs etc.) and the negatives and opened questions as to what aspects of socialized medicine can be adapted to the U.S. Health Care system. It would also have been interesting to see how some of these countries are now taking measures to reduce wait times by increasing transparency and actively adopting privatizations. In the same breadth, Moore fails to talk about how the U.S. market-driven medical innovation has resulted in high survival rates, high patient satisfaction rates, and effective new drug launches in the U.S . All the stories we see are told only from the viewpoint of the victims with no input from the insurers or the doctors. He makes no mention of the U.S. government funded systems like Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP and the VA. All he mentions is about how America spends the most on heathcare (16% of GDP), but ranks low on most of the key indicators of health care and has almost 46 million uninsured. Using the strategy of showcasing the good points of socialized medicine and the bad points of the for-profit system in the U.S., Moore makes his case for adoption of socialized medicine in the U.S. The viewers are left with

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