
Siddhartha And Siddhartha Comparison

Decent Essays

Through a journey of intense contemplation and enlightenment, author Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha tells the story of a young Brahmin who leaves his life of great riches and luxury to find his inner self and gain wisdom from the world around him. Throughout this novel, Hesse shares the importance of inner happiness, and the journey of finding happiness through spirituality. Siddhartha, along with best friend Govinda search for an understanding of life, or Nirvana. Siddhartha and Govinda both share a desire to understand life through spirituality. Siddhartha and Giovinda achieve true inner happiness and spirituality by going through different trials and tribulations, in different stages of their lives. Spending most of his early life with the Brahmin people, Siddhartha spends his days in meditation and contemplation. While many have an admiration for Siddhartha and the great confidence he exudes, he has no real joy. After much contemplation, Siddhartha soon comes to the realization that he can no longer learn from the Brahmin people, the same people he had spent his entire life around. Along with his best friend Giovinda, Siddhartha leaves everything behind to join the Samanan people, beginning a life in which he wanders through the world, fasting for days on end, and suffering …show more content…

One major theme throughout is dissatisfaction and satisfaction. Hesse is saying throughout the novel that dissatisfaction in life can lead you to the next step in your journey, and ultimately help you find a true sense of self. However, this novel shows that dissatisfaction does not bring you enlightenment. Siddhartha himself, when he finally reaches enlightenment on the river, experiences the opposite of dissatisfaction. Instead he experiences a sense of acceptance. Hesse describes dissatisfaction as a sense that there is a greater potential ahead and a desire to reach that greater

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