
Sigmoidoscopy And Colon Cancer

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Colonoscopy- This is the type of test where a doctor uses a flexible tube with a light and camera and inspects the entire colon for any polyps or growths that may be suspicious for cancer, which at this point they will be removed and biopsied to see if they are cancerous. The use of a colonoscopy has been shown to be This is the gold standard in colon cancer prevention .(Schmerling,2013)
A sigmoidoscopy is very similar to a colonoscopy, but for this exam only h last part of the colon is evaluated. (Schmerling, 2013)
Stool testing – This is where they use a small amount of fecal material and test for any minute traces of blood, which can be an indication that something, cancerous or not, is in the colon. If this test is positive ,than a colonoscopy

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