
Negro National Anthem Dbq

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Who are the individuals noted as being pivotal pioneers for the Negro National Anthem?
Essentially two people; James Weldon Johnson and John Rosamond Johnson are noted as being pivotal pioneers for the Negro National Anthem. They were two brothers. James Weldon Johnson really composed this work in a type of a poem and his brother John Rosamond Johnson set music to this melody.
What year was the first performance of this song? When and Where?
This song which is also called as Negro national anthem was first performed as poem as part of a celebration of Abraham Lincoln's birthday on February 12, 1900, by 500 school children at the segregated Stanton School. Its principal, James Weldon Johnson, wrote the words to introduce its honored guest Booker T. Washington.
Influence/ Significance
Which group/organization adopted this as a signature song for this movement? …show more content…

Rosamond Johnson. The song talked about the battles of the past, another trust in the future and religion. Numerous decades later, this song picked up another level of significance as blacks endeavored to enhance their conditions in America amid the civil rights movement. The movement had numerous songs that made it a win, but this one exemplified the sentiment the time period in a way that few others did. At the point when Martin Luther King Jr. marched on Washington with more than 210,500 demonstrators, this song was sung as an energizing cry to bring together the black group and its supporters. Surprisingly, the black group had a national anthem that cooked particularly to them and gave them a voice in a period when they should have been listened. Through a plainly characterized problem and arrangement, "Lift Every Voice and Sing" could propel the black group and offer them some assistance with achieving their objectives amid the civil rights

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