
Silence In No Name Woman

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“But there is more to this silence; they want me to participate in her punishment. And I have”(1333). In Maxine Hong Kingston’s story, “No Name Woman,” Kingston is telling the cautionary tale of her aunt who was isolated and pushed to commit suicide and take her child with her. Kingston makes points on how, If the family values of Chinese Culture is so important. Why did the No Name Woman’s family decided to isolate and shun her, when the whole situation has not been an opportunity to give her a chance to explain what happened. Silence is a very big key in No Name Woman. Kingston and her aunt share this key, they both have their own ways of showing silence. The aunt uses silence more than Kingston, she would not give any clues or reasons for …show more content…

“Chinese-Americans, when you try to understand what things in you are insanities, one family, your mother who marked your growing up with stories, from what is Chinese? What is Chinese tradition and what is the movies?”(1327). This is a powerful point that Kingston is making, it explains all the confusion, the questions, and the doubting of their true culture values that Chinese-Americans would have when they are being intertwined with this new information given to them by their school, family members, parents, or even society itself. The feel of this literature piece is that Kingston is revealing the truth about the ugliness and flaws of Chinese culture. How the Women are treated with no respect, there were practices that were cruel and inhuman. That’s why I completely feel the same way that Kingston would feel if I was being forced to be a part of the family’s silence and accept the same exact punishment as Kingston’s aunt. One of the practices was foot-binding, it was a way of controlling the women to be submissive and alway count on the men, as they would always be in pain and helpless. Mother’s or slaves would bind young women’s feet at an early age. Having your feet bind together was some sort of social status, where you place, like low-class, middle-class, and upper-class. Wealthy women could have their feet bind, they didn’t work so it was done as an act of beauty. That’s probably when the phrase “It hurts to be beautiful”

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