
Similarities And Differences Of Government In Classical Greece And Rome

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Classical Greece and Rome are two main cultures in European history, they both influenced today's society tremendously through their similarities and differences. Some of their similarities and differences included how they ran their government, how they expressed themselves through art, and what they believed for a religion. Similarities between both ancient Greece and Rome’s government was they both had different branches of government, they both had a senate and multiple government powers, Rome had the emperor, senate, assemblies, and councils. While Greece had senate and representatives. Both cultures had a class system that played into how much power a person had in government. In Rome you were either a slave, freedman, peasant or citizen. Within being a citizen they had ranks. Citizens were the highest of the classes and were able to run for senate and able to participate in government. The republic was controlled by the emperor. Magistrates and provincial governors were chosen from wealthy aristocrats. This is similar to the Greeks because their social class also had effect on their political power. In Greece you had to be a male who owned land, these people were called citizens, if you were not a citizen they you could not vote, the people who could not vote were the freedmen and slaves called the lower class. Differences between the government in Rome and Greece is Greece had a democracy, where the people got to choose who was in their government, they also

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