
Similarities And Differences Of The Inca And Aztec Empires

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Throughout the previous time, pre-European civilizations in the Americas, the Aztec and Inca empires were separate and distinct civilizations. The two civilizations stayed with no question very progressed and had their own intricated but very efficient society. Polytheism (who beliefs in multiple gods) dominated both empires. They adored ideals broadly and fascinatingly, the Sun God maintained the high place in mutually civilizations. However, both civilizations shared some similarities, there were remarkable differences among the two empires. These contrasts and similarities could be observed in many significant ways.
Religion was key component between both civilizations that I could clearly say their firm believes in their lords. For instance, both empires needed human sacrifices to sustain living, they both accumulated many temples in which they offered presents and sacrifices to their lords, and they both had feasts where they expressed their generosity to their admired lords. The Inca and Aztec Empire were quite different too when it was about their religion. The Inca for example prayed the sun god Inti in a representative manner with ceremonies in temples. The Aztecs thought the Sun would only stay awake if it established the most valued thing they had, which was human lifeblood. They scarified chiliad of people a year and presented them often. It was very occasional for the Inca.
The Inca and Aztec empires were very similar. They were based on managing resources and

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