
Similarities And Similarities Between The Bath Tale And The Wife Of Bath's Tale

Decent Essays

Are you familiar with “The Pardoner’s Tale?” What about “The Wife of Bath’s Tale?” Even though they are different, they are somewhat alike. Some of their similarities are the use of one of the “7 Deadly Sins,” they both included a moral message, and their stories relates to their character. Their differences include the use a different sin, three died from their mistakes and one learned from his, and one ended with a new life and the other concludes with multiple deaths. During “The Canterbury Tales,” there are many similarities. One being the common use of one of the “7 Deadly Sins.” “The Pardoner’s Tale” was focused around the sin, Greed. Greed is intense and selfish desire for something, which ended with the three drunks death. The “Wife of Bath’s Tale” started around the sin, Lust. Lust is very strong sexual desire, which almost left the knight beheaded if not for the queen. Another thing they have in common is how they present their moral message. “The Pardoner’s Tale” presents us with a tale about how “greed is the root of all evil.” “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” tells us that if you can give a women what she really desires, sovereignty, then she will give in return her loyalty. Last but not least, both their stories reflect their character in some way. Listen, “The Pardoner’s Tale” basically says your greed will only end in death. Yet, he constantly tricks the people he is supposed to pardon into giving him their money. With the Wife of Bath, her tale shows us the

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