
Similarities Between 1984 And Animal Farm

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rough draft Animal Farm and 1984 are 2 great books that cover a similar topic. Although both take place in a dangerous dystopian society they are also drastically different. Some of the main differences are the enemies each face, the way the governments are run by each dictator, and the main characters who they are and what they do. This leads to great differences in all categories from the enemies they face to the way the main characters differ. In animal farm the enemies are constantly changing from one farm to another. Often assumption are made about where Snowball the great enemy of the farm is located. Where as the enemy of Big brother are constant. The enemies of big brother continuously grow from the inside of the government an enemy of the government can be verified in a couple of different ways ranging from just disliking them or going to war …show more content…

Napoleon run their “countries” in differents ways. Big brother has to control everything from want jobs people have all the way to what people wear. They do this by controlling what people think and if people don’t think the right thing they are jailed or killed. Napoleon on the other hand instead of just controlling his followers he puts in fear in them causing them to do whatever he wants them to. Big brother can lead people to believe in anything they want them to “Almost unconsciously he traced with his finger in the dust on the table 2+2=5” such as when the government does this to people(Orwell 1984, 367). In animal farm Napoleon drives fear into his followers, and enemies from his powerful force of attack dogs. “At this there was a terrible baying sound outside, and nine enormous dogs wearing brass-studded collars came bounding into the barn” thats when the dogs chased Snowball straight out of town(Orwell, Animal Farm, 21). The two great forces show what can happen in the future if someone gains too much power over one

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