
Similarities Between American And French Revolution

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The French Revolution began soon after the American Revolution. The American Revolution greatly inspired the people of France. Even though both revolutions had many similarities both countries had very different situations. Due to these different situations both countries revolutions began, processed, and ended differently. This essay will compare and contrast the American and French Revolution. First, this essay will compare the French Revolution and American Revolution. One major way both revolutions are similar is that they were both cases where people rebelled against their government. Another similarity between the American and French Revolution is that both groups of people were inspired by enlightenment ideas from philosophers such …show more content…

One main difference between the French and American revolutions is that the American revolution was the colonies versus England and the French revolution was the citizens versus the monarchy. Before the revolutions France and the colonies had different statuses of ordinary citizens and abilities to vote. In the United States were not able to vote in Parliament yet they had to pay taxes. France had a Three Estates system. The first estate consists of the clergy, the second estate consists of nobles, and the third estate included everyone else, which was 98% of the population. The first and second paid essentially no taxes and the third estate paid all the taxes. Each estate had one vote in government which made it unfair because the first and second estate could outvote the third estate every time. Another difference is that even though both had monarchies in place before the revolutions France had an absolute monarchy and England had a limited monarchy. After the revolutions, the French and the United States formed different types of governments. France became a republic and America established a federal state of government with three branches: the legislative branch, judicial branch, and executive branch. The French and American revolution also had different outcomes. The outcome of the American revolution was that the 13 colonies became the United States and were free from England at last. The outcome of the French revolution was that they were able to get rid of the absolute monarchy, however it led to Napoleon Bonaparte to come to power. The French began to wonder if they had just gotten rid of one monarchy just to get

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