
Similarities Between Angler Fish And Polar Bears

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Angler fish and Polar Bears live in harsh surroundings.They do certain things to live.Angler fish devlope symbiotic relationship so it can produce light. The light is not strong enough to illuminate the fish. Therefore it keeps the Angler fish hidden so it can ambush its pray.Angler fish have a spine that resembles as a fishing pole only females have this.It's called a Illicium and the bait at the end is called a Esca the esca glows and lures little fish then atackes. These fish are mostly found in the deep oceans. There are more than 200 known speices of Angler fish.they are not apart of a particular family. Instead they are spread out in 7 diffrent familys.The angler fish reproduces by the male bighting in to the females stomache.The

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