
Similarities Between Animal Farm And Joseph Stalin

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The story of Animal Farm is not just one of simple animals in a farm. Rather the tale uses animals to symbolize the individual, classes, and event that took part in the Russian Revolution. George Orwell, in Animal Farm, used Napoleon as an allegory for Joseph Stalin. He illustrates the villainy as Napoleon starves, kills, and brainwashes his animals. Orwell compares Napoleon and Stalin acts during and after the Russian Revolution. In Animal Farm the pigs represent the most significant group of the Russian Revolution . In Orwell’s novel, he demonstrates the pigs acts to represent what Stalin did during the Russian revolution. Napoleon’s actions mirror the way Stalin mistreated, starved, and sent his people to gulags. In Animal Farm Napoleon knew how to persuade the animals to think of him as a good leader and that his actions were for the better of the good. Napoleon's desires were similar to Stalin's, because both wanted communism. Napoleon at first represents revolutionary ideas, but once he was in charge he abused the power he was given just like Stalin did. …show more content…

In Animal Farm Napoleon takes advantage of his animals and is very selfish because his actions were based on ways that would benefit him. Orwell has him visualized as a greedy pig who steals or takes belongings that were not his and would benefit him. For example, “ The puppies for whom Napoleon had taken away from their mothers and reared privately.” Napoleon actions compare to Stalin's in multiple ways. For instance, Napoleon used the puppies to teach and manipulate them to protect him. Orwell also has the puppies illustrated as Stalin’s and Hitler’s secret

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