
Similarities Between Antebellum South And Camp 14

Satisfactory Essays

Who knew that there were places still present today that hold innocent victims captive and treat them as they did to blacks during slavery. For example, the book Kindred takes place in the Antebellum South and is very much like Shin’s story of being in Camp 14 in the 21st century but there are also a few differences in the two places. The antebellum South and Camp 14 have similarities and differences in many ways such as food and living conditions, work, women's rights, and education. Both the 21st century camp 14 and the slaves in the book Kindred has harsh day to day life. One similarity and difference would be that food and living conditions in the Antebellum South and Camp 14 are very poor and unsanitary. In the antebellum South, they ate leftovers from the whites and much everyday and Shin claimed that in Camp 14 he ate rats insects and cornmeal. The living conditions in slave time where hard to keep the ones you loved around you, your family member could have just been taken from you, unlike in Camp 14, you wouldn’t most likely be close to your family because you never go around unless you get rewarded. …show more content…

Shin grew up in Camp 14 and the way of life there was all he knew it was only when he met someone that knew what the outside was like that he discovered there was more. In KIndred the slaves also worked for a higher power and during the time period that is really all they knew. Only difference is everyone even when you were little knew that there was free states, it was like a dream to

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