
Similarities Between Attend College And Attend Trade School

Satisfactory Essays

Name : Paula Trifena Ndaumanu
NIM : 1601541001
Writing Expository Text: Contrast between attend college and attend trade school
High School student often say, “Can't wait to be college student,” “Yes, no uniforms, and less work to do” but did they really know about college life?
We've got lot of contrast between these two. First, high school always started around 6 AM or 7.30 AM, this is so different with college that mainly started at 8 AM. Second, the schedule isn't changeable, in contrast with college’s study schedule. Everything depends on the lecturer. If he/she can not attend at that time, it means we need to search for another day/time. Third, in high school, for every subject you could learn at the same room and probably the same teacher

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