
Similarities Between Brother Dear And The Charmer

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These two short stories have many similarities, although they have different themes and are set in different points of the character’s lives. Brother Dear is set as a young teenagers point of view, where as The Charmer is set as an adult looking back on her life. The two stories have characters that learn life changing lessons which they have used to help them. Sharlene learns that she can do what she wants, and Winnie learns how she should treat her children. There are many traits of the story to compare to the other. In each of the stories, Brother Dear and The Charmer, there are many similarities and differences represented through character traits, lessons, and conflicts.

The similarities and differences of these two stories can be represented through the traits of the characters. Each story has a protagonist and antagonist. In Brother Dear, it is Sharlene. She is the youngest and most comedic person of the family. She teases her brothers often and is considered “the brat of the family.” (Bernice Friesen, 28) In The Charmer, the protagonist is Winnifred. She is the opposite of Sharlene, instead of teasing her brother, Winnie looks up to him and is always there to help him. She is always very eager to please him, “when he beckoned, I followed, at top speed.” (Budge Wilson, 101) These two characters have similarities as well; they both have brothers who put up examples on how to act, for example in Brother Dear, Greg’s actions about skipping school and deciding not to go

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