
Similarities Between Cheese And Pygmalion

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"I'm a working-class person, working with class." - Karl Lagerfeld A working-class person, struggling to climb up the soaring social ladder. This is exactly one of the main aspects Cheese, written by Willem Elsschot and Pygmalion, written by George Bernard Shaw. Both being written in the 1910s and 1930s respectively, it’s inevitable to find connections between the novels themselves and the general society of those periods. We are presented with main characters Frans Laarmans in Cheese and Eliza Doolittle in Pygmalion, with social, cultural and religious aspects. In Cheese and Pygmalion, the culture and background of the authors are presented to the audience through the characters. In both novels it's clear from the very beginning that the characters are not from a wealthy background. Laarmans, only a mere plebeian from the working …show more content…

Laarmans as a clear example, “sells his soul to Hornstra”, which is a form of biblical imagery. Not only does the name Hornstra ring a bell of the generalized image of the devil, but the act of selling one’s soul is definitely something biblical as well. Despite Elsschot claiming that he was an atheist, he made countless biblical references. Religion was undoubtedly of great significance for many in the 1930s. Elsschot took advantage of the situation and was not only able to tell his story more effectively, but the passage also shows that he was still aware of the time he lived in. Exactly the same goes for Shaw’s Pygmalion, where Mrs. Pearce tells Higgins is, “tempting the girl”. Shaw also showed biblical interest, not only in the plot itself, but in real life also. Shaw also described himself as a person of no religion, however he still showed interest in the study and concepts behind religion throughout his life. Again, this also shows that Shaw consciously integrated biblical references to please his own audience, which at the time were dominantly

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