
Similarities Between Frederick Douglass And Abraham Lincoln

Decent Essays

Abe Lincoln and Frederick Douglass are very different people, but they both had the same purpose. Abraham Lincoln, the president of the united states, wanted the south to secede and to end slavery. Douglass wanted the same thing as Lincoln but his speech was more impactful because it came from a slave himself. Both men gave very impactful speeches, but one of them was definitely better.
Lincoln delivered his famous A House Divided speech on June 16, 1858 at the Republican Convention in Springfield, Illinois. In the speech, Lincoln warned of the dangers caused by the division of the North and the South on the issue of slavery, he then quoted the bible saying, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Abraham Lincoln proposed questions if slavery should still be allowed, he did not think so. His delivery was much more suitable than Douglass’, and it was very well announced. …show more content…

Douglass had a harder hitting speech because it came from a former slave who experience the rough life and tortue. He made all people feel bad, and he believed that all people should have the same rights. Because he was a former slave, the people started to give in. Douglass, created widespread emotion, because of this, he made his speech better.
One thing in common both men have is the hatred for slavery, this propelled them to make their speeches. They may have many differences such as their background and skin color, but they both had the same purpose which is really what mattered. This led to two great speeches, one coming from a future president, one coming from a former

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