
Similarities Between Martin Luther King Jr And Malcolm X

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During the 1960s the Black America started to strive for equal rights and also to end segregation. Great leader such as Martin Luther King vs. Malcolm X are both products of the this time period. Even though both leaders wanted the same end result of equality for all black Americans but they had very different views on how to obtain their goals. There is many similarities and differences between Martin Luther KIng and Malcolm such as their background, their beliefs on violence and also the controversial deaths. Even though both Martin and Malcolm lives were abruptly ended they both have a great influence on the black America and the civil right movements.

To get a better understanding on these two great individuals you have to know the background on how both of these and what lead them into their positions during the 1960s. Martin Luther King Jr. …show more content…

Malcolm X, for the most part, believed that nonviolence and integration was a trick by the whites to keep blacks in their places. He was furious at white racism and encouraged his followers through his speeches to rise up and protest against their white enemies (cite2 ).

Despite all the differences that hey two believe in they unfortunately they both would but cut down in their prime. On April 4th, 1968, Martin Luther king was assassinated by an unknown gunman while standing on balcony of his hotel room. This was the end result of the riots across America cause by blacks. Martin Luther King Jr. killer is yet to be Identified nor captured. Everyone expected the assassin was a white male who more than likely a member of the KKK.

Malcolm X’s death came for the hands of members of a black muslim movement which he was once a part of. Many scholars believe in a conspiracy as Marin was a threat to the black muslims after he broke away for Elijah Muhammad. The one thing that seemed very ery is that despite that was born three years apart they both died at the early age of

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