
Similarities Between Odysseus And Jack

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As different as Odysseus and jack may seem, they are surprisingly similar in multiple aspects. Jack, for example, is very arrogant at the beginning of the book, showing off to his friends saying things like “I can hit high c!” Odysseus in the same way was bragging to the Cyclops that he had blinded, shouting out whom he truly was and nearly getting himself and all of his men killed. Another aspect of similarity is their persistence. Jack will torch and comb through every bit of that island just to find and kill ralph, and Odysseus will hold on to an olive tree branch for hours just to wait for his raft to come back from the pits of Charybdis. Third, the two are both good leaders. Not to say that what they were doing was right, but jack could convince and encourage his band of boys to follow him and do whatever he said. Odysseus also inspired his men while fighting …show more content…

They’re not the same person, right? True, like in Lord of the Flies, the reader does not witness jack changing for the better in personality. He is still a dark hearted killer, yet in the Odyssey, Odysseus starts to care more for others such as his crew mates, and actually wants them to get home too. Jack is also a child and he acts like one. He is constantly playing around and slathering blood and mud all over his face, but Odysseus is more mature, and acts closer to his age. Odysseus is strong and smart when fighting great beasts, such as the Cyclops, and the plan he took to get himself out of the cave. In another way, Jack will often randomly beat and mistreat other people in his own group. The purpose of this is mainly to show that he is the one in charge and that he is the one who tells the others what to do. Odysseus on the other hand usually has a genuine reason for being mad at someone. The suitors, for example, were trying to steal his wife and home. He could not allow that so he did justifiably get angry and slaughter them all, even if he shouldn’t have killed them

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