
Similarities Between Republican And Progressives

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Interpretational Frameworks
Each framework; Classical Liberal, Classical Republican, and Progressive each have contrasting principles for their framework. The Progressives framework is created on the idea that the Founders actions are based on economic interest and human greed. They believe that history was created through the struggles between social classes. Unlike the Progressive interpretation, the Liberal interpretation argues that the Founders ideas mattered the most. Founders were motivated by their own personal beliefs rather than economic interests of that the Progressives believed. The Republican interpretation disagrees with the Liberal interpretation that ideas and beliefs are the sole motivation, but they think that they should still be studied. Republicans also reject the progressive view that Founders were only interested in their fortune. Instead, Republicans believe that the Founders were inspired by ancient societies like the Greeks and Romans and the Enlightenment.
The teachings of the three …show more content…

Progressives, Liberals, and Republicans all have differing views as to why the United States rebelled against England. Progressives believe that the war was fought for economic reasons, instead of on a basis of principles like the Liberals and Republicans believe. Liberals think the war was fought because the colonies had taxation without representation, and the Republicans believe the war was fought because the Founders wanted to break away from England’s corrupt government. The sources to which each framework base their views on also differs. Liberals only examine the major documents such as the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Federalist papers. Similarly, the Progressives use the Constitution and Articles of Confederation. Differing from the Liberals and Progressives, Republicans look at all documents and sources available from

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