
Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet Laws In The Modern Age

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Romeo & Juliet Laws in the Modern Age

In this article it explains how two teenagers were criminally charged for sending nudes to each other showing the consequences many states face when they prosecute sexting. Like most states, North Carolina has yet to update child pornography laws used to charge minors who are caught sexting and the laws can carry stiff penalties including prison time. The North Carolina case began when nude photos were found on the boy’s phone in late 2014. It led to a year of uncertainty for the teens, who are now 17, until they struck deals in recent weeks to reduce the charges and give them a pathway to clearing their records.

Some states have enacted laws against sexting that occurs between teenagers, with penalties that aren't as severe as those that apply to an adult who sends illicit images to an underage person. Other states punish sexting under pre-existing laws against child enticement …show more content…

In Indiana, it is illegal to photograph or disseminate images of someone younger than 18 engaged sexual conduct, and to possess sexual images of someone younger than 16. However, it is a defense to prosecution if the texted images are only of the sender or recipient, the parties are not more than four years apart in age, the parties are in a dating relationship, and the sexting was consensual. Nevertheless this doesn’t apply if either party sent the image to anyone.Adults who sext with minors may be prosecuted under Indiana’s law against child exploitation, possession of child pornography, or disseminating harmful materials to a minor. These crimes are usually punished as felonies. Photographing or disseminating images of someone younger than 18 engaged sexual conduct is a Class C felony, and penalties include at least two (and

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