
Similarities Between Roosten And Harrison Bergeron

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Equality defines the state of being equal opening up many opportunities and rights to everybody no matter who they are. It can build a strong society if applied correctly. “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut and “Al Roosten” by George Saunders are two short stories regarding the effects of varying levels of social equality, creating a negative response. Both of these stories demonstrate the effects of equality and the power it has to shape society and people. Harrison from “Harrison Bergeron” is found in a society with highly advanced equality whereas Al from “Al Roosten” is struggling in a society dealing with the opposite however, both characters and societies are struggling with the negative effects. The negative effects that come with …show more content…

Harrison has an unfavourable view to the equality to his society, and does not enjoy being equal to others around him, opposite to Roosten’s point of view where he wants to be equal to others, creating jealous effect when he is not. “ ‘Harrison Bergeron, age fourteen,’ she said in a grackle squawk, ‘has just escaped from jail, where he was held on suspicion of plotting to overthrow the government. He is a genius and an athlete, is under-handicapped, and should be regarded as extremely dangerous.’” (10, Vonnegut) Equality has been giving Harrison a pessimistic attitude towards it. He is very against it and tries to overthrow the government and go against all laws to get rid of the handicaps and equality which is putting several people in misery. Al Roosten has a similar view to the equality in his society. Since he is receiving inequality compared to Larry Donfrey, he is developing an envious attitude towards Donfrey and other people. “Donfrey could kiss his ass. That fake. that snob. He’d forgotten that. He’d forgotten that Donfrey was a snobby fake.” (96, Saunders) With this quotation, you can hear the envy from Al Roosten. Roosten is sensing overpowerment from Donfrey and is developing a jealous attitude towards

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