
Similarities Between The Devil And Tom Walker

Satisfactory Essays

Chosen vocational field/name of job Education/Elementary grade teacher
Identify the potential problem I have a student who is cheating and making poor decisions

Include at least 4 sentences of how this problem connects to the theme of the story The Devil and Tom Walker or To Build a Fire Just like in "The Devil and Tom Walker," my student is making poor ethical decisions regarding completing a writing assignment. Much like in "To Build a Fire," my student first believed he did not need to do the work because he could find easier ways to obtain the information needed to complete the assignment by plagiarism. Due to him finding sources online to use for his paper to pass off as his own, the student did not feel like he needed to spend time working on writing a paper himself. My student thought that since he excelled in other courses and had always been an A student, that the paper he found online, would be easy to pass off as his own. By thinking he knew better, the student turned in the paper he found online and when it was graded and passed through a plagiarism detection program, the paper failed.
Solution 1 Confront the students based on his actions and get an explanation as well as advise this will not be tolerated.
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This policy outlines what consequences are given to students who are found breaking this policy. I would follow the policy in order to give the appropriate consequences to my student. Also, I would give my student an extra assignment to complete regarding plagiarism. This assignment would be for students to go through the Indiana University training over plagiarism and then write a short essay on what they learned and how they would handle the situation differently. I believe by giving the student an extra assignment, it allows the student to learn from their mistake and also have a chance to earn partial credit on their

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