
Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

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In the Arthurian legend/romance known as Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, readers are given insight to Gawain’s (the protagonist) struggle to choose whether his knightly virtues are more significant than his own life. Sir Gawain proves himself to be a commendable knight, for he is tested by Bertilak of Hautdesert (the green knight) and passes most temptations. Still, Gawain did not complete his “covenant” truthfully, and therefore chastises himself. In Medieval works such as Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, figures like Gawain are idealized and expected to embody the morals and conduct of perfection—perfection that may be unattainable by even the holiest of people. Gawain may not have abided by the courteous social conduct that a knight should obey in the instance when he took the green girdle from Bertilak’s wife, but the fact remains that he is still fit to be recognized as an honorable knight because of the way he acknowledges and repents over his mistake and because of his punishment by the blow he is given by Bertilak. However, the story demonstrates that expecting appearances of perfection and courtesy has a toll on those who seek to embody such an image, which leads to emotional suppression.
While Sir Gawain resides in the lord’s (Bertilak) castle, both men engage in an exchange of winnings for three consecutive days, where the Lord hunts and brings back his kill, while Gawain remains in the castle engaged in dialogue with the lord’s wife, who in fact attempts to

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