
Sirenomeli Mermaid Syndrome

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Sirenomelia, also referred to and more commonly known as Mermaid Syndrome, is an extremely rare congenital disease characterized by the partial or complete fusion of the patient’s legs and feet, giving it the appearance of a mermaid’s tail from Greek mythology. The degree of severity can vary widely from person to person, in some cases the affected infant has only one femur while in others they have two femurs pushed together into one sealed shaft of skin. Infants affected may have one foot, both feet, or no feet at all. In fact there are seven ways to classify the severity of the disorder which includes some of the aforementioned symptoms. The first through seventh type are characterized by the following features, all thigh and leg bones are …show more content…

However, these options are limited, most likely costly and may require the coordinated efforts of a team of specialists including pediatricians, surgeons, cardiologists, orthopedists, kidney specialists and other healthcare professionals. One treatment option for Sirenomelia would be to attempt to surgically separate the fused legs, this would depend on if the child is healthy enough and the severity of the fusion for example, Shiloh Pepin did not have the option of surgery because blood vessels crossing from side to side in her circulatory system would have been severed (Washington Post, 2009). In preparation for this surgery, balloon-like tissue expanders are inserted under the skin of the leg which are then filled with a salt solution over a certain period of time, this causes the balloons to expand, making the skin around it stretch and grow. The excess skin is then used to cover up the missing skin of the legs after they have been separated. (National Organization for Rare Disorders, 2018). Other surgery options include amputation of the lower extremity, a kidney transplant if the originals happen to fail or are missing entirely. Reconstructive surgery may also be necessary for the …show more content…

Researchers believe that several environmental and genetic factors work together and play a role in the development of Sirenomelia. The most popular medical theory suggests that Sirenomelia could be caused by abnormalities in the blood circulating system within the embryo at an early stage of development. Some affected individuals have been found to have a single large artery followed by the absence of the usual two arteries that branch out to lower areas and carry blood to the tail end of the embryo. The single artery that is present, which is referred to as a “steal” vessel due to the fact that it essentially steals blood and nutrients from the lower part of the body, diverts the flow of blood that normally circulates from the aorta to the lower portion of the embryo back up to the placenta instead so the blood and nutrients that are needed never end up reaching the tail end of the embryo. Due to the malnutrition from this lack of blood flow, the fetus fails to develop two separate limbs. (National Organization for Rare Disorders, 2018) There is still much to learn about what causes Sirenomelia since there is so little known about it currently. When experimenting with

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