
Six Principles Of Political Realism

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Realism is an approach to the study and practice of international politics. It emphasizes the role of the nation-state and makes a broad assumption that all nation-states are motivated by national interests, or, at best, national interests disguised as moral concerns.

Political realism means nations are conceived as political entities pursuing their respective interests defined in terms of power.

Morgenthau divides the history of modern political thought into two distinct schools, ‘realism’ and ‘other’ (presumably ‘idealism’), that differ fundamentally in their conceptions of the nature of man, society, and politics.
The ‘other’ school assumes the essential goodness and infinite malleability of human nature. It sees education (increased knowledge …show more content…

Political realism believe that politics, like society in general, is governed by objective laws that have their roots in human nature. These objective laws allow us to differentiate truth from opinion – the difference between objective and rational truth (supported by evidence and reason) and subjective judgement. We must also approach political reality with a rational outline/map in order to understand chosen behaviours. The operation of these laws being impervious to our preferences, men will challenge them only at the risk of failure.
It believes also, then, in the possibility of distinguishing in politics between truth and opinion-between what is true objectively and rationally, supported by evidence and illuminated by reason, and what is only a subjective judgment, divorced from the facts as they are and informed by prejudice and wishful thinking.
It assumes that the character of a foreign policy can be ascertained only through the examination of the political acts performed and of the foreseeable consequences of these acts. We can find out what statesmen have actually done, and from the foreseeable consequences of their acts we can surmise what their objectives might have

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