
Skeletal Muscle Physiology Lab Report

Decent Essays

Skeletal Muscle Physiology Lab Report

V17FA Anatomy & Phys I (BIO-2011-VO02)
Fall 2017
Michelle Leeman Objective:
The intent of this lab is to observe the relationship between the muscles and neurons that generate movement throughout the body. We will interpret four (4) different simulations that initiate a stimulus varying in intensity, frequency, and weight, while recording its influence on muscle contractions. The goal of this experiment is to have an enhanced comprehension muscle contractions.
Materials and Methods:
The equipment used for all four activities include an intact skeletal muscle, electrical stimulator, mounting stand, and oscilloscope. Please note that the mounting stand includes a force transducer to measure the amount of force developed by a muscle, as well as a ruler that allows for the measurement of distance that the weight is lifted by the isolated …show more content…

5, represents the load-velocity relationship. The prediction was that as the load on the muscle increases the latent period would increase, the shortening velocity would decrease, the distance will decrease, and the contraction duration will decrease. The latent period is the period time that elapses between the generation of an action potential in a muscle cell to the start of a muscle contraction. It becomes longer as the load becomes heavier due to a rise in muscle tension but no movement or contraction of the muscle. Once the muscle tension surpasses the weight of the load an isotonic concentric contraction, or the shortening of muscles to move the load, commences. The shortening velocity is the speed of the contraction from the muscle shortening while lifting a load. Maximal shortening velocity is reached with a minimal load. With a light load, the shortening velocity is at its maximal shortening velocity; inversely, when the weight is heavy the speed in which the muscle lifts the weight decreases in speed at a slower velocity, as shown in Fig.

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