
Skittles Research Paper

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Distribution of Skittles Introduction: This project, while not an extremely significant one as far as impacting the populace, was completely born out of curiosity, and turned out to be an interesting study. This project is on skittles. People may be thinking, why skittles? This whole semester, statistics students have been solving problems about M&M’s and while that was interesting, skittles candy are more interesting. The main reason for choosing skittles over M&M’s or any other candy is that skittles have different colors. M&M’s do as well, but while both have different colors on the outside, each different color of skittles has its own unique flavor in the inside. The green color is lime flavored, the yellow is lemon, the purple is grape, the red is strawberry, and as conventional wisdom would say, the orange is orange. Throughout this study these terms will be interchangeable. This observational study asks the question, how are skittle colors distributed per package? …show more content…

in 1963, but in the 70’s they made their way into America, and now are the no. 1 selling non-chocolate candy in the U.S (Kowitt, 2016). The history of skittles is an interesting one. Skittles were loosely based on M&M’s, which seems to be their chocolate counterpart (History of Skittles). The study “AP Statistics: An Investigation on Skittles” states they had many similar views that this study has, especially when it came to how the study was conducted, and the reasoning for conducting a study of skittles entirely. And a lot of insight was gained from that

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