
Slavery And The Civil War Essay

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Society relates slavery to the civil war and most would argue that slavery ended in 1865. With this standpoint, we often brush off or neglect to further investigate slavery in its most modern forms. Over the course of history, there are hardly any situations where a social problem was solved. Starvation still exists, as does poverty, racism, war, segregation, injustice within government systems, and yes, even slavery. Human trafficking is modern day slavery and it exists everywhere with two different categories: sex exploitation and labor exploitation. Human trafficking is not new, but what recently developed is the volume of trafficking taking place and how little we know about it. How can a problem, so monstrous and so widespread, continue with most societies being unaware of its existence? The 1800’s, and even years’ prior, were a period of unfathomable abuse towards people considered less than. The 21st century is also a period of unfathomable abuse towards people considered commodities. Now the common place relation between slavery and the civil war must be over, because the monster of modern day slavery has awoken. Human trafficking has key components and facts, such as the staggering numbers of victims. The official definition of human trafficking is the illegal movement of people, typically for the purposes of forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation ( Per the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes (UNODC), trafficking in persons is defined

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