
Slavery In American History

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Slavery is an incredibly taboo and controversial topic in American history. It’s touchy with people because it showed that the USA was really a country of two cultures and ways of life. The country was torn before the civil war. Slavery has a really interesting upbringing. It eventually began to fall apart once the USA declared independence. It was the beginning of the end. Slave labor is a way to gain max profits on products through by making it almost free to produce. The British Empire heavily utilized the practice around the globe. They traded with eastern African leaders for slaves, which were prisoners of war or cons. The British usually gave them the cheap goods that were made in factories in the homeland. These were the factory colonies. …show more content…

As the revolution came around the anti-slavery took root, primarily in the northern states. The northern states abolished it all together by 1804. The southerners and many northerners saw it as a necessary evil. In a way it almost was. The southern economy completely relied on slave labor. Almost all profits would be lost if the slaves were freed. It doesn’t change the fact that the Declaration of Independence was now taking a double standard. This is what the abolitionist movement based their argument off of. Southerners on the other hand didn’t even believe whites and blacks were the same species. They thought that the Africans were different. Almost like a different breed of human. They thought the Declaration was only talking about whites, as they believed that the blacks were different. The northerners on the other hand saw that we are all the same. The abolitionist also thought that slavery was morally wrong. They wouldn’t be wrong. Everything about slavery was morally wrong. The fact that humans were forced from their homes and put on fields to work for no benefits is morally wrong. Add on the fact that the slaves were bought and sold because they were property and you have a human rights catastrophe. Of course, human

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